About Us

Before the pandemic, medical tests were nearly always done at health care facilities, by trained staff members.These staffers had to report test results for diseases like COVID-19 to public health officials — it was part of their jobs.

Today, most COVID tests are done by people in their own homes. As at-home tests became more and more popular, America needed a way for people to be able to report their results.

NIH's RADx® MARS lets you contribute to America's public health

That's what the NIH RADx® MARSprogram has made. The MARS team built a system that puts at-home test results into a standard format used by health care professionals. That information then flows into secure databases that researchers and public health teams already know how to use. is the front end of that system, allowing us to safely and securely report our at-home results, including as much personal information as we feel comfortable sharing.

You're part of the future of at-home testing in the US

COVID-19 was the first infectious disease for which the U.S. had over-the-counter at-home tests. But at-home tests for other diseases like influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) are already appearing. When you report your results on MakeMyTestCount, you help America get ready for the future of at-home testing. And you help your country be better prepared to keep all its citizens safer from infectious disease.


The latest news and media coverage of MakeMyTestCount.

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